Wordscapes Wordscapes - Latest Version

Prix: Gratuit
Catégorie: Games
Version: 2.29.0
Promoteur: PeopleFun, Inc.


4.8, 368 voix

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Wordscapes - A handful of letters to puzzle over

Wordscapes from developer studio PeopleFun is a puzzle game in which players have to try to find certain words, similar to a crossword puzzle. However, there is a trick to this. Each level specifies the letters from which the words must be formed. In the first levels this is still relatively easy. For example, the game shows three rows and the three letters U, S and A. Three words or terms are then to be formed from these. In the example you would be able to form "sow", "off" and "USA".

Later, however, the puzzles become much more challenging. Because not only the number of available letters increases with increasing difficulty. The number of rows of letters also increases and the rows become longer overall. This is because multiple use of the letters is also possible, depending on the level.

The goal of the game is to finish the individual puzzles with as few mistakes as possible and thus collect points. Because the more points you have, the faster you'll unlock new backgrounds that you can use to compete in new levels in Wordscapes.

Puzzles for every level of difficulty

The gameplay of Wordscapes is quite simple. You have under the rows of words to be filled in the letters you need to work with for the particular puzzle. With a simple touch, you select the first letter of the word you want to form. Then you move your finger to the next letter, gradually forming a line of letters. When you have found the right word, it is automatically integrated into the puzzle and you can directly form the next word.

There are various possible combinations that can be formed from the anagrams. It can also happen that a word can be formed twice, namely in the singular and in the plural. Therefore, it is worthwhile to cheerfully try around, which words fit. There are also hidden bonus words that you can unlock by clever trial and error. These words give you coins at the end of a level, which you can use to unlock new backgrounds or help, for example.

If a solution to a puzzle doesn't immediately catch your eye, you don't have to despair. Wordscape also offers a few aids that the game wants to use to help you reach your goal. With the shuffle function you can rearrange the letters in your input field. Sometimes this already helps to get a new perspective. On the other hand, if you click on the arrow, you can click on an empty space on the puzzle to see the letter that needs to go in that space. Clicking on the light bulb will show you the first letter of a possible word, and using the rocket will randomly reveal letters in the puzzle that you haven't discovered yet.

However, in order for the game to keep its crispness, you don't just get the features as a gift. You have to earn them, for example, by finding bonus words or unlocking new levels. Then you also have a limited number of the helps, so you should always try to come up with a solution yourself first, before you get down to the little pickers.

What do users say about Wordscapes?

Most users are very fond of Wordscape. The game principle is easy to understand and the individual puzzles are short and crisp. This makes the game perfect for short breaks, fun on the go or even a bit of brain jogging in free minutes. The various backgrounds that can be unlocked also offer a nice change.

However, some players complain that the word finding doesn't always work. Sometimes words are not recognized that should actually be logical. Such mistakes then make puzzling all the more difficult until the correct solution is found. Nevertheless, Worldscapes is fun overall and a pleasant break filler.

Résumé des notes de Wordscapes
Graphiques / Son
Utilisation / Gameplay
Note Globale
Captures d'écran (tirées de l'AppStore, propriété du développeur d'application respectif)
Avantages / Désavantages
  • Over 6000 different puzzles 
  •  Any number of trials possible 
  •  Simple controls 
  •  Small aids for quandaries 
  • Word recognition error 
  •  Game freezes sometimes 
  •  Somewhat little long-term motivation 
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